Mapping your journey

Visualising your goals has an impact upon your success and the depth of your coaching journey. Recently, I introduced the idea of a map to a client - creating a physical map that they could see each day, visualising their journey. One that unfolds with each day, each week, and each month.

By visually representing their aspirations and mapping out the path to success, clients gain a tangible reminder of their journey and a clear sense of direction.

Visual Representation Inspires Clarity, because the cliche ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, and drawing a physical map of your goals provides a visual representation of your aspirations. By creating a visual aid, clients can gain a clearer understanding of what they want to achieve. This process helps them define their objectives, identify potential obstacles, and envision the steps required to reach their goals.

The inclusion of a map also enhances motivation, and focus. Mapping out goals visually offers a constant reminder of what clients are working towards. Placing the map in a visible location, such as a bedroom or office, allows them to stay motivated and focused on their journey. When faced with challenges or setbacks, the physical map serves as a visual anchor, reminding clients of their determination and encouraging them to persevere.

Mapping encourages accountability and action. A physical map of goals can be used as a tangible tool for tracking progress. Clients can mark off milestones or checkpoints on their map, providing a sense of accomplishment and serving as a motivator to keep moving forward. Additionally, the act of physically engaging with the map creates a sense of responsibility and accountability for taking action towards their goals.

The process of drawing a physical map of goals helps clients develop strategic plans. By breaking down their objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, they can identify the necessary actions to move forward. Clients can visually connect different elements of their journey, identifying potential roadblocks or alternative routes. This holistic view aids in creating an effective action plan that aligns with their long-term vision.

Drawing a physical map of goals is a powerful technique that brings clarity, motivation, accountability, and strategic planning to the coaching process. Through visualization, clients can gain a deeper understanding of their aspirations and chart a clear path to success. With the guidance and support of a life coach, this visual representation becomes a roadmap to personal growth, guiding clients through challenges and empowering them to achieve their dreams. So, take out your markers, pens, and pencils, and start mapping out your goals. Embrace the power of visualization and watch as your journey unfolds before your eyes.


A first step


Maximising time